Accountability at the Manors

Resident Advocacy at the Manors

At Holland Christian Homes, we are committed to operating our long term care home with transparency and accountability. We support and encourage ways that provide opportunities for our residents to stay engaged in all aspects of the Home.

Read our Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement.

The following programs and committees are opportunities for residents to maintain a degree of control over their care, share in the management of the facility, and create a voice for all residents of Faith and Grace Manors.

Resident’s Council

Both Faith and Grace Manors have a Residents’ Council which meets on a regular basis to discuss problems, suggestions, plans for special functions and to review administration proposals for changes and improvements to the Manors.

Residents of the Manors are automatically members of the Council, and can feel welcome to attend all Council meetings.

  • Every resident in our long term care home is invited to join the Residents’ Council.
  • Residents’ Council meets throughout the year and is for residents only. It provides residents with an opportunity to discuss concerns and suggest improvements.
  • Residents’ Council provides a way for residents to use their talents working as a group, and to speak with one common voice.
  • Minutes of meetings are posted on the Resident / Family Information bulletin boards.

Dining Room Committee

  • Every resident in our long term care home is invited to attend the Dining Room Committee.
  • Committee members advocate for all residents by offering suggestions to management on how to improve menu items, including providing feedback on the quality, quantity and variety of the food/meals provided. The committee also plans holiday and special event menus.

Whistleblower Protection Program

Whistle Blower Protection” ensures that no person shall retaliate against another person, whether by action or omission, or threaten to do so because of information disclosed to an Inspector, to the Director or evidence given in a proceeding in respect to the Fixing Long Term Care Act or an inquest under the Coroners Act.

Any person who has reasonable grounds to suspect abuse, neglect, improper or incompetent treatment, unlawful conduct or misuse or misappropriation of funds, must immediately report the suspicion and the information upon which it is based. No person may discourage reporting of any abuse, neglect, improper or incompetent treatment, unlawful conduct or misuse or misappropriation of funds. 

Holland Christian Homes protects any resident, staff, volunteer or family who reports incidents of abuse or neglect from any retaliation by others while that person is on the premises of Holland Christian Homes.

For more information, read the following applicable documents:

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