Ask Kelly
Meet Kelly Pereira, Manager of Tenant Services! She has worked at Holland Christian Homes since 2004, and she has been the first point of contact for countless people who are considering making HCH their home.
We asked Kelly to put together a list of the most commonly asked questions that she receives! If you are considering making HCH your home and you have a question that you don’t see answered on the list, don’t hesitate to Ask Kelly. She can be reached by phone at 905.459.3333, Ext. 5351.
Commonly Asked Questions
Hi there, this is Kelly, your Admissions Coordinator for HCH! Below is a list of questions that we receive often, as people consider making HCH their home. Please email or call us if you have other questions, and we will do our best to answer!
1. You’re called “Holland Christian Homes”. Do I need to be of Dutch heritage to live there?
No, you do not need to be of Dutch heritage to live at Holland Christian Homes. HCH was however, established by Canadians of Dutch heritage, of whom many were of the Reformed faith tradition. All Christian groups are welcome and continue to be enfolded into the HCH community.
2. I’ve already applied. Where am I on the list?
Our waiting list is administered on a first come, first serve basis. As others with an application date before you are accommodated, your name will move up the list. Unfortunately, we don’t have any way of knowing your exact spot on the list, as the decisions of others affect how quickly your application might move up! But we promise the process is fair and accurate.
3. When is the best time to make a move to HCH?
We encourage you to consider a move as an active senior. Moving in while you are independent allows you to build strong relationships and a strong foundation for your later years!
4. Do you provide medical care?
Yes, we offer 24/7 emergency response. HCH is equipped with a Medical Centre with waiting rooms, treatment rooms, reception desk, and office facilities for nursing staff. Our Resident Medical Staff Team strives for excellence in the care of each tenant. There is a waiting list for an in-house doctor. We are pleased to provide the following services onsite:
- Nursing Staff and Physician Services
- Social Worker
- Denturist and Denture Clinic
- Hearing Aide Specialist
- Laboratory (Lab) Services
- Mobility Clinic
- Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy – MDR Clinics
- Chiropractor
5. Do I have to be Christian to live at HCH?
We are a community of Christian people, with values that reflect our faith. Please read our “Statement of Faith”.
6. We have been on the wait list and now we are ready to move. What do we need to do next?
Once you have made the decision to move to HCH, you will be asked to have a medical form filled out by your family doctor. This form helps us determine your eligibility to live independently in one of our apartments. You will then be asked to meet with our nursing team. A family member of your choice is asked to attend this meeting along with you.
7. What happens if after I move in to the Towers, I need to go to Long Term Care?
You can certainly apply. Admission for Faith and Grace Manors requires meeting the Ministry of Health qualifications. Admissions are arranged through the Ontario Health at Home – Brampton.
8. Do you have a model suite?
Although we do not have a model suite we have a virtual tour of our 1 & 2 Bedroom units as well as floor plans, found under “Your Tower Options“